Not the best of days...

I'm posting this Thursday, as I didn't find time last night:

We had expected the new wooden floor to receive its first coat of varnish today, but the fitter was 'stuck on another job' apparently.  This putting us off has happened several times and as the room is unusable until the floor is complete, irritated would be putting it lightly!

Later in the afternoon, I checked Lilly's eyes which have needed daily cleaning of late: she has a melanoma under her right eyelid which was treated with some surgery and radiotherapy some years ago, which has kept it bay until now. As I wiped her eye, there was fresh blood on the tissue, so an emergency visit to the vet had to be  made.
As we knew, the melanoma has grown and has now erupted in the eye itself: surgery to remove the eye is the only possible treatment.  The trouble is, Lilly is approaching 16 years.  She has the inevitable kidney problems that occur in older cats and make surgery more risky. Our vet is willing to do her surgery, but once she is under G A, he will x-ray her chest.  If she is very unlucky and there are secondaries in her lungs, then only the one option remains...  As doing nothing is NOT an option, we will let her go in for surgery on Friday.

The new floor doesn't seem quite as important as it did this morning.

Pictured here a the beautiful bright tulips, bought on Mothering Sunday for me by daughter#1 and her partner: a cheerful sight on a dark day.

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