Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Half full, half empty

Dear folks, I am so sorry I never posted last night or commented on yours (for one day or two?). I've had a bit of an episode of feeling vilely unwell.  I don't know what brought it on - my body in shock from the op perhaps and refusing to play nicely.  Anyway, I did take yesterday's shot, which wasn't this because I'm getting total brain fever -  here's today's shot - and I will now put up yesterday's.  The background on this tiny glass of water was orange and gold as I thought bright was cheerful, but in the end my head was so bad it just made me sick looking at it, so you have it in mono.

As you can see, I have turned my comments off, probably just till tomorrow.  I need a bit of down time.  I'm finding it hard to do much of anything except the most floppy!!

Hope you're all rather better.  Thanks so much for all you lovely comments and the twinkly bits - much appreciated  :))


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