a town called E.

By Eej


Sometimes even when it smells like rain, sounds like rain and looks like rain, you'll still end up only feeling a slight drizzle.

We did groceries, I cleaned, Mom and Dad B. came over for birthday cake and brought icecream, the Beloved made dinner for me (that is, he put a pizza in the oven and took it out when it was done. I felt so privileged ;)) and then the clouds moved in and I stood outside, willing it to rain. I held up my arms to the sky, I did my impatient 'what-are-you-waiting-for' dance, I pleaded, I begged.

I managed to make it drizzle. Go me.

It could still happen, but I've lost confidence. Our grass will remain a lovely shade of hay, with a nice crispy tread.
Crap II

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