Bugger. Sh*t. C**p. F**k.

This is the bugger I left behind!! I want to shout it loudly. I want to shout every bloody swear word I can think of....in fact I will!!! So there!!

I did a day's overtime today. Sadly it is all about the money now....everything comes down to bloody money. People say if you have your health you have everything...this is not true and it makes me mad every time I hear it. I need a filling looked at...I can't afford it. I need physio...I can't afford it. I need to see a podiatrist....I can't afford it. I'm falling apart basically. Sorry I'm moaning....but I've had bad news today and I can't decide if I'm really, really angry or really, really upset...or both. 

Oh, I won't bore you, but it is cathartic to type things sometimes. I find it hard to always try and be happy, it is very wearing. I might delete all this anyway.....

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