A rare opportunity

This may not be the best photo I've taken today but I chose to blip it because it's the only one of this pair of Starlings that I managed to get. I so rarely see Starlings and on the very few occasions when I do see any, they never wait around long enough for me to take a picture of them.

After a lie in, which was considerably shorter than I'd hoped it would be, I walked to the nearest supermarket, mainly for a red pepper for rabbit Rosie, which I'd forgotten to buy yesterday. It started to rain before I reached the supermarket and we also had some hail, but fortunately it had stopped by the time I came outside again. I was going to catch a bus home but just missed one and decided to also walk home instead of waiting for the next bus.

After lunch, I spent the afternoon in the back bedroom moving boxes around a cupboard until I eventually managed to get it against the wall where I intended it to go.

Not really looking forward to tomorrow as it's going to be another long day at work.

Many thanks for the kind comments and stars on yesterday's blip.

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