The Fast Show

Blip meet at the Cow and Calf.

You know most blipmeets are ones where you meet up and have a few drinks and talk about who has done some brilliant blips recently, if you are very daring you get your equipment out and compare sizes ( then you may look at each others' cameras after that) .....

We didn't follow those rules

Spartan persuaded me to go for a run on the moors. I usually run on road and on the flat so running on rough terrain up hills was spot on then! Hmm!! I found out that I am a not a world class runner but all is not lost as I am a world class moaner! Great views and brilliantly exhilerating though. Have I mentioned before that Yorkshire is fab...

Wendles56 waited for us at the bottom and grabbed some photos ( of the moors not us thankfully) , she then sat in the front of the car providing some shielding whilst I got changed.

Apparently she wasn't much of a shield as Mr JOhn and Mr Luc caught site of me getting changed. Lucky them! sports bras are SO attractive.

Still they managed not to vomit and made it to the pub where we then met up with Earthdreamer and his son Roam

Now you know that we met Earthdreamer, it probably makes sense as to why we gave up debating " who has done the best blip recently?" on our blip meets. He always wins. And what a fabulous photographer he is.

A lovely night meeting them all and out of nowhere on a grey day a roaring sunset appeared. We all ran out of the pub like Usain Bolt on speed with ants in his luncbox pants. If only I had shown such aptitude on the moors with Spartan...

My shot is a bit shit but it sums up the night and it was a fab little blip meet as always

( As Mr John has just pointed out , that last line may not seem very charming. I mean my shot is shit but the sunset and the view summed up the night as being lovely and with a warm glowy feeling. erm er, erm... have I dug myself out of that grave yet? )
Thanks guys

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