Boy Band

Well, last night was truly extraordinary. We headed down to Kilcrohane to Danny the Postman's exhibition - very good. He has a style a bit like Jack B Yeats , lots of bold colours and brushstrokes. Wine and nibbles were taken and then we headed back to the Tin Pub to meet up with friends. Not much was happening but I was tansfixed by the light! Take a look at that, exactly how it was. Anyway, TJ arrived and all was jolly when suddenly the rumour went round that Damien Dempsey was going to arrive and play a session. Damien is a huge name over here, guitarist and traditional player. The buzz got going and more and more people started arriving and then sure neough your man arrived with Wayne, a formidable percussion player. I have to say Damien looked more like a rugby player and his singing was good and straight forward rather than magical (ouch) .... but just another night in the Tin Pub where anything could happen, and frequently does.
Back up to the airport today as son number 1 has headed home. This was followed by a spot of retail therapy in Cork city which was full of Italians. Buskers abound and I liked this group of young lads doing their thing - the girls were just passing and decided to give them a hug while their mates photographed the goings on!
Back home to a very quiet and empty house. Beans on toast have been taken and a small glass of something refreshing might follow.

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