
Ar ein ffordd adre o Hayling, penderfynon ni i ymweld â Chôr y Cewri. Dyn ni wedi bod yna o blaen ac roedd e'n dda i weld llawer o welliant yn y Canolfan Ymwelwyr. Mae'r arddangosfa yna nawr a dysgon ni llawer am hanes Côr y Cewri. Do'n i ddim wedi gwybod o blaen, bod cawson y meini eu cerfio gyda thyllau a lympiau i helpu nhw'n aros gyda'n gilydd. Dych chi'n gallu gweld un o'r lympiau ar ben un o'r meini yn y llun. Roedd llawer o ydfrain o gwmpas y meini ac roedden nhw eithaf dof.

On our way home from Hayling, we decided to visit Stonehenge. We've been there before and it was good to see a lot of improvement in the Visitor Centre. There is an exhibition there now and we learned a lot about the history of Stonehenge. I had not known before, that the stones were carved with holes and bumps to help them stay together. You can see one of the bumps on top of one of the stones in the picture. There were many rooks around the stones and they were quite tame.

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