
By TexMama

Hello Lady

I am in a gardening mood with the lovely weather we have been having...and it's set to rain all week so the garden is really going to come to life now.
Saturday I spend the afternoon fussing about with my hanging baskets which have been hiding in the front flower bed, under a foot of leaves, to save them from the cold weather.  I transplanted some of their plants into a cracked bird bath that no longer holds water.  Some of what I thought were annuals when I planted them last year, have hung on through the mild-ish winter and are now coming back :0)
This lady (or man) was sitting on the dead part of the mums I planted in the autumn...they have started to come back too - a happy garden this year :0)

in the extra...
No1 son and I went out in the front field to take pics of the wildflowers that have come up there...liked this one of him taking a pic

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