Soft as Butter
My neighbour's roses are just about past their best.. this beautiful rose called Peace was still looking good. My father loved this rose and we always had it in our garden. It did look so buttery and beautiful in the dull light.
On looking up the Peace Rose I found there is a interesting story about it. Here is the interesting story it you are interested.
This afternoon seeing it was overcast and cool I got into the garden to try and found the rest of my daffodils bulbs, without much luck. I dug up as many I as I could find and they are drying off ready to plant into planter bags in a few weeks time. All of them come from my father so would like to save as many as I can.
John decided it was time to sort out the garden shed... and out come my things and straight into the bin. I had to rescue them. We did have a good sort out and still have half of the shed to do yet. Pleased I wasn't out today!
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