
By DancingAly

Dia de la Madre

I got this gift for my mum for Mother's Day. I think she liked it. I actually have the same photo and frame that I bought for my own house recently.

I woke up at 7:30am again. I couldn't really sleep. I knew today would be hard, and it was. But it was lovely too, in it's own way. I will know what happened when I read this back in the future. 

It just leaves me pondering how much your life can change in a year. I guess you can never predict when things will be up or down. I know of people who have had huge positive changes in a year, and those like me whose world has come crashing down around them. I suppose that nothing that seems very good, and indeed nothing that seems very bad is certain. 

That's the way I'm trying to look at it. Life can be amazing, but it can also be bloody unfair at times, leaving you with so many questions and rarely any answers. Why me? Why not me? Why? 

I don't have the answers. I'm looking back through old photos and videos tonight. Sometimes that makes me feel a bit more secure, and remember I've had lots of good and happy times. They never seem to last though. 

2015 in Pictures

I suppose I should be grateful for the good times, and excited by the new. Except I'm scared with new things. And by the time I'm ready, the moment has passed. How can I fix it? I think it's in my nature. Lots of people jump in feet first, whereas I think carefully before taking a step. It must be lovely to be like that. 

What a rambling post. It makes no sense, but at least I've got it off my chest. 

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