Wednesday was busy busy busy.  It started with a great breakfast in one of our classrooms. The kiddos are so darn funny.  Sharing breakfast with them is a really sweet way to start the day.  

Then it was meeting after meeting after meeting.  Sugar called me when she got out of school to tell me that she hurt her foot at recess.  She wanted permission to just watch at dance.  I encouraged her to join in, and do her best.  

I left work a little early to check on her in dance, and she was doing well.  She was definitely favoring the other foot, and protecting the hurt one.  It appears she hurt the tendons or something in her foot, but I'm confident she will heal nicely.  Toby cat was sure to give her foot some special snuggles.  

We checked the baby bunnies, and we have 5 healthy little honey bunnies.  :)  So  happy.

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