A confused genius

By Lez11


I've spent most of today relaxing and not exactly done a lot. Luckily I didn't get woke up at 3am saying the project has gone tits up which was a bonus.

I spent this morning with my youngest sister Rachel. We went to go outdoors to get some camping stuff for v-festival next month and went for a coffee in Starbucks. We also popped to tesco to see what alcohol they do in bags to take to vfest with us. Tesco only do wine and some cocktails in bags so that's what we will take with us.

I cooked me an 18oz peppered rump steak, rare and jacket potato for tea tonight. It was so nice I nearly cried. I could never be a vegetarian and I have told my family and friends that if, for what ever reason I can never eat meat again, just shoot me, right between the eyes.

My pic today is of 2 of my favourite people (and dog) in the world, Emily and Stella. They remind me of the chuckle brothers as they are always getting into mischief together.

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