Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...En Garde!!!

Nice in Fighting LARGE!

A bit of a quick blip today. One of the joys of summer at our house is that I can always count on seeing a hummer within a minute of walking out to the deck or patio. That may explain why I have so MANY hummer pics! Or maybe it is just that I am utterly besotted with them. Well, whatever the case, you get back to back hummingbirds today. I picked this particular shot because it shows how amazingly agile they are. This one was on approach to one of the nectar feeders when another hummer dove in in full attack-mode. This little hummer contorted her tiny torso and fanned her tail in a classic defense posture. It's not perfectly focused, but I think it gives you a different view and shows her engaged in a very typical activity.

This afternoon, the other two members of the Girlfriend Posse (Ellen and Kura) and showing up to celebrate their birthdays. Both are July babies, and I am not allowed to mention any ages except to say that these two birthdays deserve to be celebrated in high style! Dinner will be cedar-planked Alaska salmon, a salad of fresh corn, basil, blueberries and lime (thanks, Mom, for the recipe!), fresh homemade assiago bread and some baked chipotle beans.. Dessert ... brownies with salted caramel gelato! The bread is in the oven right now and the house smells fantastic - the scent of cheese and bread wafting though the air ... yum! I could eat my own arm right now! The only thing missing from tonight's festivities will be Peggy who is in China at the moment. We'll have wine for you, Peg!

Thank you so very much for your many kind comments, hearts and stars on my stretching hummer yesterday - I just saw a notice that she made it to Spotlight, which is always a bit of a thrill. I hope you don't start to experience hummer-overload!

Happy Saturday...

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