Internal experience of colour and light

We visited Sara Hildén Art Museum where is Carolus Enckell's works from the late 1960s to present day. Outside of the museum is a pyramid built of 481 separate wooden tiles painted by student's from different schools of Tampere region. Emma has also painted one tile to that pyramid! It's a yellow tile and located on the upper levels. The pyramid is a tribute to artist Enckell.

The Finnish Swedish-speaking painter Carolus Enckell (b. 1945) is a modernist. The central elements in his expression are colour and light. The starting points for his undemonstrative works is often a space or a landscape. In addition to the immediate act of observation, the work process is governed by thought and planning to produce works that are reduced to pure colours and geometrical forms.

Stripes have been one of the fundamental themes in Carolus Enckell’s art. The stripes in the paintings have later expanded into vertical and horizontal rectangular fields of colour. The serial variation of a single subject has been a characteristic approach for Enckell. Carolus Enckell is interested in a theory of colour that communicates the internal experience of colour and light. He strives to eliminate individuality from his works and to keep himself in the background after the fashion of icon painters.

I'm a friend of abstract art and liked the exhibition a lot. Added one shot to extras too. 

-1°C, cloudy

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