The Armed Man

Today's the day .......................... to 'Come and Sing'

I've had a wonderful day today.

I spent the morning and afternoon with 124 other singers, a small orchestra (including three trumpets), 3 soloists and our conductor - Duncan.  We were learning - or re-learning - how to sing Karl Jenkins' Mass for Peace, or The Armed Man  as it is widely known.  It's the most moving piece of music, using as it does, the words of poets such as Kipling, Tennyson, Toge Sankichi as well as those to be found in the usual mass.  Then at five oclock, we moved from the hall where we had been practising, over into the Parish Church - and we sang it all again to an assembled audience.

Some of the singers had come a long way to join in the day.  Four had come all the way from France.  And, of course, that's the great thing about singing - you all join in together.  It's a real team effort........................... 

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