Forth Replacement Crossing

We need a cleat to tie up our new secondhand pulley (ceiling-mounted clothes airer) so went to the Bosun's Locker, the chandler at Port Edgar, where they have a wide range of sizes strong enough to secure ropes in the strongest of gales. We got a nice modestly sized one.

Being so close we drove further upstream for a better view of the Queensferry Bridge construction and found this strange device, sited near the beach, intriguing - the notice says:-

Please Do Not Touch
Bridge project
As part of the on-going works for the new Forth Replacement Crossing this survey point is required for essential works.
Your co-operation is appreciated.

We did not touch but had a good peer at it on all sides. The punk hairdo is made of ordinary cable ties, the centre of the device contains a complex mirror. Mr Flum has yet to fathom how it is used.

In the background we see the new bridge, with cables under construction, the Forth Road Bridge and a glimpse of the iconic Forth (Rail) Bridge.

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