
By Mindseye

Sunny morning....so a walk was in order.
Quick call in the butchers, the newsagents, the bakery and the florists.

Youngest son had ordered flowers that he had planned to collect and deliver in person but his wife's grandad has taken poorly and is in hospital, so he arranged with hub that we would collect them.....they are lovely :-)
I also bought flowers for mum for tomorrow.

The weather clouded up after lunch but was supposed to brightened again later on.....so after we'd had egg and bacon sandwiches for,lunch, and I'd made a steak and kidney pie
for dinner, I thought I'd go,out with my camera for an hour or so.

Jumped in the car, drove to Pennington Flash, in the hope of catching a sunset over the lake.
No sooner had I walked from the car along the path.......it began to get quite dark, so I walked quickly towards one of the hides. Just as I got there, the ranger arrived in his van to lock up!!

So with big splashes of rain beginning to fall I had to run back to the car park....made it just in time! It absolutely threw it down, including hail, for about 20 minutes or so.......I just had to sit there and wait, and wait.......eventually it eased off, but didn't really stop properly so that was the end of my couple of hours out....I think it amounts to 15 minutes in all :-/

This shot is one I took not long after I arrived, you can see the dark clouds starting to gather, but at least the sun lit up the trees and provided some sparkly reflections.

Typical Saturday night in front the the TV tonight........steak and kidney pie was good :-)

Wasnt it great to see Blip Central promoting BlackHeaths Blip Exhibition.......looks like it was a great success too :-)

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