Skip's Blips

By Skip

Caught him unawares!

Gulliver hates to have his picture taken. If he sees the camera, or even the iPhone, he leaves the area, but this time I caught him before he could escape. He was sitting on the top stair waiting for me, and I popped around the corner with my iPhone, and snap! I finally captured him looking at the "camera."  Gulliver is a "senior dog" and he gets pain meds morning and evening for arthritis, along with a new med for Cushings disease. Hopefully it will control his condition, and he will feel much better. After a week on the strict diet and the new med, he is much perkier, although not real happy with the lack of snacks and strictly measured meals. Poor sweetie!

Extras: We had snow overnight so I went out early and took the extra picture and some others that you can see here. By late afternoon most of the snow had melted, but it was lovely while it lasted.

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