
By Stuart9613

Shit Day

A whole day to do one delivery to the North East.Due to the state of the roads now delivering over the Pennines has become uneconomical and we will finish doing it by the end of the month unless the van is near full.
The picture is my view for well over an hour sat on the M62.I wonder what the cost to business is of such terrible road links.

The scrapping of the vanity HS2 project and the funds spent on better roads must make sense to anyone possessing more than one brain cell.

I spent two weeks driving in Canada last Summer.4000km and not held up once.It got me to thinking why am I still in this crappy little country where the people are as wet and miserable as the weather.

Roll Me AwayThis came on my iPod as I was sat in traffic.If this doesn't put a smile on your face check your pulse because your probably dead already.Each time I go to The States or Canada it gets harder to get back on the plane back to Europe.They say that Americans are insular and most don't have a passport if I ever retire I would move out there and shred the pitiful excuse of a european passport (remember the proper blue one we used to have) we have had inflicted on us.

If you have reached to the end of this little moan well done to you.

Weather Crap.

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