Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Today I came home.  It seems like a miracle.  My surgeon told me cheerily that if I'd had this done a few years ago I'd have been in hospital for 3 weeks.

This little house is made from a block of balsa wood.  It's like the bits of manufactured treasure you buy in seaside touristy shops.  A very dear person gave it to me and it sits on my dressing table.  I put a scarf behind it and took it sitting on my bed, so I didn't have far to move.  The snow filter I added to this image, as it happens, was not well timed, in that we've only had sight of white stuff twice this winter - on Wednesday there was a hailstorm while I was sleeping and today (Fri - I'm back blipping) we had 10 minutes of intense hail/snow which vanished instantly.  But nothing on Thursday.  However, I did like the slightly fairytale quality it added - little house in the deep woods.


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