never forget

Day out at the National Arboretum today.
There is a brand new centre being built so facilities were limited and the main rememberance wall is covered up while work goes on.
You can still walk round all the memorials or take the train if like today the conditions underfoot are a bit squishy. we particularly wanted to see the new Gulf Memorial, the inscription being part of it. No government funding was made toward this beautiful work, it all came from donations including £10,000 from Kuwait.
The tiger sits on top of the memorial to the Leicestershire Regiment, known as the Leicester Tigers.It`s probably one of my favourite memorials.
Have put some more in extras, the last one is commemorating lives lost in Afghanistan. Twelve panels, eleven of which have 39 names inscribed and the twelfth has twenty one
Makes you realise how futile wars are really......

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