
By doli

Heather de la France

Not really, but she was de la Switzerland for quite a while during her globe-trotting heyday (and there are some Quite Interesting stories from then, too...).

Tonight she hosted an Eve Of Bastille Day party, with a French themed supper and a private showing of Jacques Tati's classic film - Les Vacances de M. Hulot - in French, naturellement - and no need for subtitles with this one.
I hadn't expected to enjoy the film as much as I did. It really is very funny.
(It's easy to see the derivation of Mr Bean - although Tati is more subtle, surprisingly.)
It felt quite nostalgic too - at the beach in the 1950's, in soothing black and white and wonderfully simple in its complexity (or complex in its simplicity...?). Some fabulous 'face acting', too. They don't make actors like that any more!

There was much beret-wearing, vin rouge quaffing and fromage nibbling - and then we moved on to cassoulet, quiche, soupe à l'oignon... Yep, we stuffed ourselves. Heather is a bit inclined to over-cater, but as Jeni de l'Afrique points out "If there aren't some left-overs, you haven't made enough."

Looking forward to the next one...!

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