Double Trouble

Gollum and Hero - Double trouble, but twice as nice <3

Last day at work before my 2 weeks holiday. Departure for England/Crufts on Tuesday morning very early.

Dog walk in the woods and then home to start washing and packing. The weekend will be busy with family and training, so I don't have much time left to sort my things before we are leaving. 

Good training with Hero. Phew! Now we only have one training left before we leave. I won't say we  feel ready - but I never really do before I perform a new routine for the first time. Nevertheless I am eager to get going - we have worked so hard for so long. Now I just want to get over there and see what we can do.

So much to do... I better continue packing.

If you want to follow Crufts via live streaming, then check out this link!

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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