Gitama's World

By Gitama

The Frustrating Thing About......

...Having a budding  4 year old photographer in ones midst it becomes almost impossible to get an emergency pic.

We haven't been home that long.....I needed a blip....I grabbed my phone (it has a fabulous torch for lighting in early evening darkness) and a couple of tibouchinas from the little vase.

Frustrating things
1. Had to restick the gaffer tape to hold in the battteries of his camera (which he broke the other day)
2. As I was fixing his camera he ripped the petals off of the flower
3. Started crying 'cause I got a bit angry and his camera still doesn't work
4. Tried to fix it again..whilst doing this he rearranged my carefully laid mangle flower.
5. Got rather peeved again getting tired now and considering not blipping at all.
6. Feeling like crap because I got angry at him and really when all said and done it really isn't that important.........oh hang on a is to me.
7. Really really happy he is in bed even when he has been such a sweetheart looking after his Nanny when she had a fight with the shopping trolley and think she has done some semi serious damage to her left toes.

Oh thank you so much for the hearts comments and stars on my bubble yesterday.....cheered me up considerably.

Not sure why it is flower friday 4???? and Biker Bear are you still the Master of the Flower Friday Ceremonies?

“By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.”
- Tagore

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