National Read Across America Day ....

AKA: Dr. Seuss Day.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!  He would have been 112 years old today. 

So, yes, it's National Read Across America Day and to celebrate I got out a few of our travel books to photograph.  These books range from New England to Hawaii, with a stop in our home state (Pennsylvania) in between .... signifying reading "across America."  See what I did there?!?

We are currently planning a trip to Cape Cod, Massachusetts for April.  So we are reading up on the area as it's been a while since we have been to Boston and the surrounding area.  Our lovely Canadian friend kindly sent us two of these books (plus one more not in the photo) and I plan to pour through them and make lots of notes. 

We are really looking forward to this trip as we will be meeting up with some old friends and meeting some new ones.  I can't wait!!

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