Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

John Boy

Really good day.

Newborns captured in the morning whilst Callum was in school, picked him up, headed to Downtown LA (a novel experience for Callum in the historic district), visited a canvas shop I'm now using for my products, very cool guys and a great product, drove to the hospital to visit J and A, J post kidney transplant, walking about and smiling, left with tears in my eyes for that most selfless of gifts he's been given by a close relative, excited to deliver them a canvas, In & Out Burger with Callum and home to Kristina who then dresses the boys as the Waltons, so out we popped for our pics. All finished off with the most incredible blue pink sky again, seen thanks to my neighbor Judy shouting through my office window to see it.

PS Yes, intensely blue eyes and red lips. Is it rude to stare at your kids all the time. I can't help myself

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