Broken flower

Not sure what's got into P recently. She's got a real naughty streak all of a sudden. This morning I found that she had been downstairs when I was in the shower. I had laid out a surprise afternoon tea for my mum to have this afternoon as I wont see her on Sunday. Anyway, P had helped herself to one of the cakes and had smashed open the chocolate flower with a pair of scissors! I was furious to say the least.

This evening she came in to the kitchen with her 'build a fort' set. I said it was too late to play with it so told her to put it back. A few minutes later I go into the living room and find she's torn the box open and scattered everything across the floor! I told her to go straight to the naughty step. I tidied up all the bits and then went to see her. And what was she doing?? Putting on lip balm that she had just got out of my hand bag!!

Needless to say she went to bed with no stories tonight and her Huddl has been confiscated for the rest of the week!

I can't quite understand where this behaviour has come from. She's usually such a good girl. I hope it's not a sign of things to come.

A on the other hand had a fantastic morning at nursery. He was so happy going in this morning, it's a total transformation. After we had said goodbye I was signing the signing in sheet when I heard him say "that my mummy" and he was pointing at me and looking so proud. It brightened my day.

Oh and we welcomed Toby Pterodactyl to the family this evening too!

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