OMG....what an amazing day!!!

Arrived at school to be greeted by the year 3 teacher crippled on pain with backache and full of flu. How on earth he thought he was going to head up a school trip I don't know!!! So I sent him home and volunteered myself!!! (What a mug!!). The class is one of our hardest with behaviour and we had insisted on 3 parents attending. There was a problem with tickets as not enough adults had been ordered (the head ended up with £150 credit card bill!!!)
However KIDZANIA was amazing. A place where the pupils can do jobs to earn money(such as working in a mock hotel, shop emergency services), spend their earnings ( making real burgers, ice cream, face painting etc) and even open a bank account with a credit card to use in their cash points!!!
My chaotic collage shows...
#coach trip around the set
#the supermarket where they can work.
#the fire brigade putting out a hotel fire
#in the pit stop changing wheels on a racing car
#mock children's hospital
#making chocolate
#H&M and the hotel.

But now it's 7 o'clock I'm in my pjs and off to bed....absolutely exhausted.

62/366....a chance to enjoy a fabulous day with happy excited and inspired children. night all.

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