
By YvonneThornton


why I need to keep walking and dieting.

After falling off the diet wagon over Christmas and putting on 10lb which I am really struggling to shift I am hitting it hard for the next 12 weeks.

Thank you for your comments yesterday:
I had a bit of a melt down pre-Christmas with workload and stress but felt better while in New Zealand, obviously, then on my return it didn't get any better after the jet lag wore off.  I think the thing that tipped me over the edge was hearing that the building project which would mean I could employee another member of staff was being put on hold.  Needless to say when I visited the doctor to discuss my BP, more on that later, I had a mini, well maxi, melt down and admitted that I felt like crying all the time and had started to sit in front of my computer almost shaking my head just not knowing how or what to do.  She was very good and has increased my citalopram from 20 to 30.  After a coffee in town I returned to work.
Skip forward two weeks and I couldn't believe how much better I felt, I now feel as though I am completely on top of my work and wish I had seen her sooner.
As far as my BP is concerned is has been really low which was making me a bit wobbly or more wobbly as Geoff would say.  Pre-Christmas I stopped taking one of my tablets, on the meltdown day I stopped another tablet, and on the visit two weeks later I have halved my last tablet!!  Amazing considering the stress it obviously wasn't raising my BP.
Anyway enough about me.  I hope that you are all okay and I have missed blip but just couldn't cope with it on top of 'everything' else.  Sounds daft saying that now.  Looking forward to catching up.
Love and hugs xxx

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