Mr. Watanabe

This is the first picture by CC with her new camera!!!  

Our friend Mr. Watanabe of New Old Camera in Milan.  He is always good for sweets and the occassional stuffed toy or chocalate at Xmas.  So, CC likes to visit his store!

CC has been asking for a while now to have her own camera, but more simple to use than daddies...  well the right opportunity came around on something used, but hardly driven around the block.  It has the red dot on the front and it is interesting enough also to make daddy want to use it from time to time.  :)

There are rules.
1) It's not a toy. (she has to look after it)
2) Mommy and daddy have the right to look at all the pictures she takes.
3) Not to school unless special permission from teachers and parents.
4) Can print up to 5 pictures a week for starters (to learn to be selective)
5) Daddy and mommy have the priveledge to use her camera from time to time.
6) Rules are to be appended (as I think them up or deem necessary)...

So far, so good.  There is a steep learning curve, and I have to realize with whom I am teaching.  I mean, she is just learning to read this year and basic arithmatic!   So patience will win out in the end, but she has already shown a great eye and creativity.  I can't wait to find a nice Spring day to make our first Street photography jam together.  :)

For now, I will plagarize her material (I bought the camera), but as soon as we are up to speed I would expect her to make her own Blip entries.  Oh, writing (and typing) could still be a challenge bigger than actaully taking pictures.  :)

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