Take a Seat, the Doctor Will See You Sometime

Some folk have orbital cellulitis, some have blepheritis, others have conjunctivitis and I, who over the past fortnight with a very swollen eyelid, have self diagnosed myself with all of these afflictions in turn, but ended up thinking I had a stye to end all styes, have in fact got a Chalazion or to put it more simply, a tarsal cyst;so something extra special then, no ordinary common or garden stye for this Lady. The trouble is it looks very like a stye to onlookers and just as likely to put them off their food.

His Lordship frog-marched me up in the teeth of a chilly westerly to the doctor this morning in an effort to get some resolution to my swollen eyelid. The good news is it should clear up on its own, but can take up to 6 months. The bad news is that if it doesn't, a minor op is required.

My appointment was in the open consultation hour with a roomful of hacking coughs and rampant children with apparent ADHD.
I did feel I would leave with some virus I didn't have when I arrived, wondering when the saying " Children should be seen and not heard" finally went out of fashion.
I fear I am turning into that little old lady from hell who plagued my childhood- Mrs Oliver was her name.

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