Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Christmas Rose

A bit wet out there.

Getting X-ray and scan results today.

Meeting my Mum in town to go check something out.  

Umbrellas at the ready.

Update:  X-ray confirmed Trochanteric Bursitis (Hip) and Scan confirmed Achilles Tendonitis (Ankle), next step is to see a Podiatrist for a biomechanical assessment to see if this will help by perhaps sorting out my walking since my bad ankle is now slightly deformed from the chronic Achilles Tendonitis this has also possibly changed the length of my leg and walking style which is what has caused the hip problem.  If that doesn't help I've to go back and see Ortho Doc. in 3 months for corticosteriod injections into the bursa to help relieve inflammation and pain.

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