The Hero

Dot.T (a.k.a. DotBag) saw the mouse in her room and let the neighbourhood know instantly.

So 2 sons and I took the cat and joined her in her room. With some slight furniture movement, the odd scream, a lot of laughter, periods of total silence and a bit of patience, the chase began. 

It was basically awesome. When the cat proved he was actually 'Tommy the Mouse-Slayer', he obviously didn't want to let go of his catch so the next challenge was getting him out of the house with his mouse.

We were proud of our cat. The Hero of the day. 

On a properly serious note though ..

Elbows visited The Calais Jungle today with 'Medecins sans Frontieres' . The first bit of feedback he sent to me was 'Oh, ... the squalor ...'    :-{    
I pray that he will know what to do with what he learns and witnesses today.

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