
By TrishaR

Bates Motel

This hotel called The Waverley back in its heyday was a popular and busy hotel. I went to my mother in law's funeral here way back in 1982 as this was the popular place to go for funeral teas. It was also very popular for old fashioned High Teas, where you get bread and butter and cakes and scones along with main courses. I personally never had that there as I find High Tea just too much food and when recently had a High Tea at the Royal George I felt sick afterwards.

Anyway, it was sold in the early 2000's and made into a Hostel for homeless men. Whoever owned it only saw pound signs from the DSS as it slowly became an eyesore the garden at the front all overgrown and peeling paintwork. Then it was suddenly closed around 5 years ago and the multi millionaire owner of Stagecoach Anne Gloag bought it and put in planning permission to demolish and rebuild something adjoining her Church of the Nazerene which is next door. But it didn't suit the Planners, as it's a listed building, being two Victorian villas joined in the middle. So she's put it up for sale. There was a fire in the roof last December so now it's looking even more sad. Pigeons are happy though..... Not sure how they can look at this sorry state every time they visit their Church and not feel sore ashamed allowing their property to look so decrepit ?

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