8 months old

Max Nibbler deep in thought. There is every possibility that he stands transfixed, captivated by her scent and musing to himself - with a French accent of course - what the actual consequences of falling in love with a fox might be. In all probability, he is actually just sniffing out the next rabbit poo to eat and fox poo to luxuriate in.

My brave wee (actually very massive puppy) survived being chipped at the vet this week, only to have the extendable lead snap in the middle of a late night asda car park full of cars afterwards. Disaster was averted with an oncoming car bearing down fast only by Max (amazingly) responding to the 'this way' command that I somehow uttered in between a high pitch squeal. Needless to say, extendable leads are now banned in our house. Dave will just be wearing a normal dog collar from now on, mwhahahahahaha.

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