
By MCharMedia

A Shadowed Factory Floor

So a while ago me and my close friend Tom, visited a local abandoned factory to take some photos.

This was a while ago and I don't think my fisheye was the best lens for this photo however I wanted to show as much area as I possibly could. me and Tom were astounded to find 2 floors of breath takingly in tact factory work space. Benches with drills and saw blades un touched, and even archives of paper dating back to 1948, it was a great experience despite the fact we technically were trespassing, we were very careful and didn't take or break anything as we loved how present it looked despite the factory closing many years ago before I was born. We left and I edited my movie and posted it to my channel , ill link the video below.

A few weeks later it seemed we had caused a stir and we had over head some local youths planning on vandalising the site, which inside was a wall of impressive graffiti which is shown on the video. Me and Tom could afford to let this happen so although it meant putting us at risk we emailed ahead to the local land owner and explained what was going to happen and I don't know weather my email influenced this or not, when the youths arrived the entrance was sealed. we breathed a sigh of relief and pride as we had prevented a monstrocity.

If you ever get the chance to visit places like this I 100% would recommend it as its such a unique experience.

Thanks for Viewing my post, Miles

Abandoned Factory Movie I made:

Attached is another photo I took in colour on the extra section, Cya all tomorrow for a new post! don't be scared to follow ;)

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