Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Catch a ride

Got up lateish. Fiona the cleaner was present. Short, slight, friendly.
Awkward getting breakfast as F kept helping. We should have watched Downton Abbey as homework.
Fiona then showed us the way to the beach and shops. Got some money and food.
After sandwiches we went to the beach. Really nice beach!
Every time you pass someone sitting outside a stall or shop, they say hello and ask you to have a look at their wares. They are polite and friendly but a little insistent.
We bought some fruit from a stall and made the mistake of just saying "how much?" at the end. It was only £1 but we had forgotten that you always haggle before you buy anything. The seller obviously felt guilty at taking advantage of us and slipped some extra plantains in our bag. It's strange. £1 was a reasonable UK price and nothing to us (he said, boasting of his huge wealth) and probably a lot to the lady. So we were happy. Except... Except that we felt that we hadn't got it right. So our good old English embarrassment reared its head. As it had with Fiona at breakfast. Oh well, I'm sure that you get used to it.
After Sea Bass (N) and chicken (C) at Q-Baa on the beach, it was back to watch Mad Men on the DVDs that we had brought over. If only C's boss (whose house this is) had really got the DVD player that he thought he had!
So read a bit more of The Age of Wonder by Richard Holmes. Excellent!

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