Day 270: - EB EB again
This was a much better attempt at EB than the one depicted in my last Eggs Benedict Emergency Blip here.
Plenty (slightly too much?) of hollandaise, nicely done eggs, moist muffins and ok bacon (although serving it on the side meant most of it went in the dog) - but what is this obsession with serving salad with breakfast???
This one was served in the park conservatory on a lovely sunny morning, after we had amused ourselves by throwing stones onto the ice in the paddling pool (see extras). Something very pleasing about hearing the ice scream as it cracks, and then watching the air bubbles scoot away. I think I was enjoying it more than Sarah if I am honest.
Back home to all hell let loose in the world of payroll, as the 2014/15 tax bills have gone out. I may emigrate. Quickly.
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