Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I kind of didn't imagine I would ever meet up with 'that gang' I had so much fun with some 25 years ago, ever again. One of them has been in my life before and also after, he's like my big brother, and another one I went to school with and then lost contact and then came in contact with again (thanks to Facebook) almost two years ago, I was (and am) very happy for this. But the rest? No... I didn't think so, and I missed them from time to time. So, the possibility to meet up again with almost all of them was wonderful! :) And how fun we had!! And how I suck at bowling... :D But, I have a crappy back, so I'll blame that and the fact that the last time I played was with the same gang, some 25-26 years ago... :)
The evening ended with dinner at a ship with nice food combined with laughter and many strolls down memory lane. :)

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