Lots Of Friends
My time on Op Lifespan was amongst my happiest times.
Newly married I was able to travel home for one week-end each month and Clare occasionally flew out to visit.
The people I served with remain amongst my closest friends with whom I keep in regular contact with.
This is in stark contrast to those I did my initial training/apprenticeship with. I struggled academically but with help and encouragement from the instructors I passed out from my training and into the fleet where I flourished and enjoyed a thirty-five year career.
As is the way in nature the strongest attack the weakest or treat them with disdain and I understood that but kept my own counsel.
So the sudden onset of 'friends requests' on social media is more to do with gaining numbers for a planned 50th anniversary 'reunion' than a desire to contact 'old' friends.
After all you're going to come across people in your life who say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by.
It's actions, not words, that matter.
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