Constant Exposure

By constant

Where Are You, Pigeon 778?

He's in our backyard rummaging around without a care in the world.

Not a great shot. There was very little light. I had to crank the ISO way up and even then the shutter speed was not where it needed to be. We are having a very grey day today so the light is low and flat.

Kim is busy in the kitchen cooking up a storm for this Thursday. She's making "Cosmopolitan" Cranberry Sauce, and brining Alton Brown's Roasted Turkey. The Kids are all over the house, playing God knows what. I have to round them up somehow and get them out in to the gloom so we can get Holly a passport photo. Egad! Trying to think of a way to make it fun/interesting for them, without resorting to bribery.

If the drizzle lets up I might take Addie out for a walk and see if I can make the most of the overcast day by taking some decent B&W photos, which is all this weather is good for.

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