
By Angelique


Sun came out to play again after raining all day on Friday so the beach was busy with lots of dogs enjoying the sand.  I had knitted Phoebe a new jumper which she seemed to like as it didn't blow in the wind.

As you can see the tide was out so the capture seems close to Goose Rock and the wind was whipping up the foam.

The other photo is the first Bumble Bee that I have seen and it was enjoying the Rosemary flowers by the front door, which has flowered throughout the winter.

Spring is around the corner and hopefully I am weeding the garden, groan, again, trying to rid all the wild garlic that has appeared from nowhere!  The seeds must have been dormant in the soil that we dug last year.

Thankyou for the nice words on upside down Phoebe, my willing volunteer.  And yes Sis (Redflash) she is still white, so far.

Love to you all, my faithful blip friends. xxxx

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