Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

On the right track

This is the Pen F in Mono setting, mode 2 (slightly modified). The extras consist of another photo in the same mode, and one of some slate near the colliery, in colour mode 2, enhanced in LR. Of course at present LR, PS etc don't support the RAW files from this camera, so although I have the RAW versions I can only process the JPEGs (unless I mess around with Olympus Viewer 3). It wasn't a very successful visit to the BCLM, as I discovered there was a scouting event on there, and there were several hundred children there, mostly very unruly! I abandoned my original plan of doing some street shooting in the village, and instead concentrated on the mine area, which most of the visitors did not go to! I spent the rest of the day at home, continuously shivering, and went to bed at 5:30 with a hot water bottle.

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