Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Red Soldier Beetle

Despite the date everything is going well so far, but I am saying that quietly! Today's picture is of a Red Soldier Beetle which I thought made a change.

Many thanks for all your comments for Dougal yesterday. I am pleased to say that his eye is looking much better. He is being a good boy and taking his antibiotics, his pain relief and allowing the ointment to be put into his eyes. Of course there is always the promise of 'Dreamies' afterwards; he can see the packet while having his medication!

I have now written four different versions for my assignment, but I am fairly happy with the final version, which I have printed off to read this evening. After a few tweaks and losing a few words it will go tomorrow. Only the End of Module Assignment to write now and that is not due until September.

This week has been exceptionally busy, but now I have almost completed my assignment, vet and hospital appointments are over, for this week anyway, I should be able to catch up on my commenting this weekend; thank you for your patience.

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