horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

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Fred has well and truly sussed he's bigger than Isla. She's definitely spending less time outside (there's another big male on the scene as well). For the first wee while after he moved into the area she had him on the run, but that's certainly not the case now. Just got to hope that he doesn't catch her again, as he did a month or two back, necessitating another trip to the vet. It was full on ears pinned back aggression today (after this comic posturing) before I chased him out.

Out in the morning cleaning up the local park, getting back into my Friends committee role. We even had the local councillor turn up. Back home we've got Siskins visiting the bird feeders (in the extra) which I'm daftly chuffed with. Garden has been partially cleared in readiness for spring. And after seeing how good a job a local framer made of an old map we got framed for Sam and Joss for Christmas, we popped down to Porty to get an old 50s map of Harris and Lewis similarly treated. Oh, and even managed a trip to a garden centre. And made dough for pizza which will be consumed soon.


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