Happy Dog!

Ollie had a much better time of it than I did today!  He just loves the water and on the way back from Kirkwall Mike stopped at the 4th Barrier so Ollie could have a bit of a run and a dip.  Such a happy boy, more photos in extras!

I had a CT scan in connection with my ongoing ear problem.  Mike took the day off and came with me as I wasn't to drive afterwards.  Having a cannula inserted into my arm wasn't much fun at all, but the hospital staff were lovely, patient and as gentle as they could be.  Contrast dye is used to show up the relevant bits and it's a weird feeling but not unpleasant and doesn't last long.  

Knackered afterwards and slept for four hours once we got home, with Ollie keeping watch and Mike back in his shed doing electrical boaty things!

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