This shot is a bit of a cheat. So report me if you like. But in my defence, it is a fair representation of my day in the sense that the rest of the family wandered off for a nice day out and I slaved all day in the garden. So you could have this or a photo of rotten wood, piles of terracotta tiles or gravel. None of which I actually took as I was working too hard, and none of which you would rather see than this.
So, stuff in the garden is moved around a bit, a new path is (nearly) finished and I am all broken again. Meanwhile, everyone else went to the most beautiful village in France (Saint CIrq Lapopie, since you ask), went down a cave with amazing cave paintings, saw a small castle in a rock, and got all caught up on Radio 4 comedy on the way there and back.
Roast chicken for dinner and now I am collapsing into a small (ok, medium large) pile on the sofa for the foreseeable future.
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