Friday afternoon play time
This afternoon was certainly the highlight of the day today. An afternoon in town at a friends house with a few of the other Bulawayo girls, including the lovely Sharleen and her little boy Colt, who is 6 days younger than Alex. They're just starting to play together, even if this means learning to share (an alien concept to both) and learning that playing does not include poking, biting or hitting, this lesson isn't sinking in too quickly it seems. Regardless, they had a lovely afternoon.
Potentially, this morning should have been more exciting (although really wasn't). The Vice-Predisdent of Zimbabwe came to buy some cattle, he was due 'sometime over the weekend' and a call came through at 6.20 to say he would be with us by 8.30 (he wasn't). His entourage required four hulking great 4x4's, although thankfully my demotion to 'tea lady' for the visit only required a few of them - in the 'inner circle' to be served.
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