Filthy Friday!

After cleaning the coop last night I was a little peeved it wasn't raining hard as forecast! On the way up I did see a rather nice colour in the sky so stopped to photograph it, I detoured into the churchyard hoping to get a better scene and then got totally distracted by the daffodils! By the time I got to the plot my peevishness was well gone and i discovered the joy of pulling up nettles - the girls enjoyed it too as pulling out the long roots disturbed lots of grubs for them! 
Shortly after arriving home the rain started so I had a fun friday faffing with daffs! Vegan Jo's husband called in for a coffee and a chat - not sure which one he is most after! We had a good laugh at my drawing, incredulity at the way some people spend, or rather don't spend money, the brexit of Europe and the the UK arms trade and the sheer horror of the Arms trade fairs held in London and the type of sales talk one might hear.  From here we went on to what I would leave him when I died! He refused my shoes, plants and chickens, but liked the idea of my books and paintings! I told him I'd put his name on a sticker on what he wanted and I'd throw in my Elvis Presley drawing!! He then made himself another  coffee as I photocopied a couple of recipes from my one mix Magic Cakes book I had discovered through blipper veronica! I had once made such a cake from a recipe one of the cleaners from school had given me - I never realised there was a whole range of cakes one could make - mix all the ingredients together and as they cook they separate into 3 distinct layers!! How magic is that! His son has to make a cake for school and last time they made a mousse no one would try!! So this time they mean business! 
So - having had a very lovely day and with the chickens put to bed, time to choose my blip. Now being friday it could be a Film star theme for Beewriter, a Flower for BikerBear or a Dreary  for Lynnfot! I have decided for Dreary as my daffs are too dark for a cheery, airy, arty flowerfriday, and I take an awful self portrait so sorry Bee! So dreary it is! Actually I think Filthy friday would be more apt for me - not because the weather is grey and wet and dreary, but because I rarely wash on a friday!! I figure what's the point given I do a chicken close thurs eve and an open and close friday , and this usually means a poop pick or coop clean, an incinerator burn and the poop smell is then overlaid with a smokey  highnote, and then an earthy base from the weeding! Actually I could have done a Worzel Gummidge for Beewriter!!! I'm not sure my blip is actually dreary, more Gothic! The extra in particular! 
Right time to eat, maybe shower? Tomorrow is a Vintage Fair in Plymouth with Gilesy - Oh what fun! 

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